01. Ch 2

Read the following excerpt from Chapter 2:

I rose graciously on Walter’s behalf: “Ah–Miss Caroline?”
“What is it, Jean Louise?”
“Miss Caroline, he’s a Cunningham.”
I sat back down.
“What, Jean Louise?”
I thought I had made things sufficiently clear. It was clear enough to the rest of us: Walter Cunningham was sitting there lying his head off. He didn’t forget his lunch, he didn’t have any. He had none today nor would he have any tomorrow or the next day. He had probably never seen three quarters together at the same time in his life (26).

What is the confusion here? Why does Scout think her answer is clear, and why isn’t it clear to Miss Caroline?
*Extension: What do we learn about Scout through this conversation? How is she characterized here? Are there other moments in the novel so far that characterize her similarly?
*Extension: What other moments in this chapter reveal a lack of understanding between Miss Caroline and her students?

You may post a new response or respond to a classmate’s post to build on or disagree with his or her idea. Your response must be at least 6 sentences for full credit or at least 3 sentences for half credit. You may include a quote if it is helpful.

14 thoughts on “01. Ch 2”

  1. Test

    • The confusion here was that miss Caroline was offering Walter money but he couldn’t pay her back, but she didn’t know that. Miss Caroline was forcing Walter to take the money and scout finally jumped in and said that Walter was a Cunningham and she expected miss Caroline to know that Walter was poor and would not be able to pay her back. Scout thinks that her answer was clear because she probably thinks that miss Caroline knew about the Cunningham. In class all the other children told her to do something so scout knew that they knew so she might have though that miss Caroline knew too since so many other people did. It was not clear to miss Caroline because she didn’t know that there was a problem with the Cunningham and she didn’t know that Walter would not be able to pay her back. And scout was unable to explain to her the situation, because she says that she is not as good as explaining things as her father.

  2. Marissa Nicoloro said:

    Scout thinks her answer is clear because everyone else in the class knew what she was talking about. It is not clear to Miss. Caroline because she isn’t from Maycomb and she doesn’t know who the Cunninghams are. There is confusions because Scout thinks that if everyone else knows what she’s talking about why doesn’t her teacher know. Her teacher is supposed to know everything and she doesn’t know this. Miss. Caroline also comes from a rich place and doesn’t get that a lot of people in Maycomb are poor. Scout just does not understand how she didn’t make herself clear.

  3. Adam Mendes said:

    When Scout Explains that Walter is a Cunningham she expected to Miss Caroline to know the Cunninghams are poor. Even though Miss Caroline has not been in Maycomb a long time Scout probably expected that she would have herd of the Cunninghams purely because the name is so notorious. This caused the initial confusion between her an Miss Caroline. Even if Miss Caroline didn’t have previous knowledge she should have been able to tell that Walter was not comfortable taking taking the money and that he was poor from his appearance. Scout thought that all this together should have been enough and that she didn’t have to explain it for her teacher because it was clear enough for the class. This interaction is a example that scout just expects people to know things like this ,like she just knows to read and write.

  4. The confussion is that Miss Caroline doesnt know what Scout is taling about. Scout is saying that Walter is a Cunningham, a family that is very poor. Because he is poor, Walter cant afford to pay Miss Caroline back if she gives him the quarter. Scout tried explaining this to her teacher in a way that Miss Caroline simply didnt understand. The rest of the class, however, did understand what Scout was trying to say. We learn that Scout is also poor. We can figure this out because she knows why being poor is hard for Walter. We also know that Miss Caroline is not poor because she doesnt understand anything about Walters poverty.

  5. When Scout explains why Walter does not have a lunch, Miss Caroline is confused. This is because Miss Caroline is new to Maycomb County, which is not a very rich place compared to where Miss Caroline is from. She is confused about why Walter has no lunch because she is not used to people being as poor as the Cunninghams are. Scout gets confused about why Miss Caroline does not get her explanation because she thinks that everybody knows about the Cunninghams. As it states in the book, Scout is in first grade and does not understand why someone like Miss Caroline does not know everything. Miss Caroline’s confusion about Scouts answer to why Walter does not have a lunch puzzles her because she is very young and is taught that people older than her know as much as she does and more.

  6. Brendan Gallivan said:

    The main confusion is Ms Caroline is not used to the ways of Maycomb yet. Scout thought her answer was clear because he has known about the Cunnighams his whole life. Therefore he thought his teacher would understand as well. Ms Caroline is confused because most first graders would accept the money. Another moment that shows a lack of understanding between Ms Caroline and her students is when Burris says he is leaving and not coming back.

  7. Mariano Rodriguez said:

    The confusion is that Scout knows more than Miss.Caroline. Scout thinks her answer is clear because she knows about the Cunningham family, and how poor they are and what little they have. It isn’t clear to Miss.Caroline because she does not know a lot about Walter, and she does not know his circumstances. When Scout says, “Miss Caroline, he’s a Cunningham” (3), she does not understand what that means, or how poor Cunninghams are. This just makes her more confused about the entire situation and what is going on. While at the same time, Scout thinks what’s she’s saying is already specific enough because of her prior knowledge about Walter.

  8. Miss Caroline is confused because she really doesn’t understand what Scout is talking about because Miss Caroline is used to having rich people around her. Also, since Miss Caroline is rich and decided to offer Walter money he said no to her because he couldn’t pay her back because his family is very poor. It is very clear to Scout because she has lived in MayComb Country for a while so she is used to people being very poor. So when Scout answered she thought her answer was clear because she explained why Walter said no to Miss Caroline offering him money. Also, Walter hasn’t had lunch the past few days and since Miss Caroline is new she didn’t know this so she is very confused because she doesn’t know her students well like her students know each other. So since she hasn’t known Walter for a long time it is complicated for her to understand the situation he is in because she is new to the poor community of MayComb Country.

  9. The reason Mrs.caroline is thinking is bizarre is because when ms.Caroline offers something to walter he is poor and cant pay her back. When scout realized the conufsion she jumped in and explained that he is poor. Thus creating the confusion. Also another example is with scouts name when she explained the origin the teacher thought she she was making things up.

  10. Emma Rittweger said:

    Mrs Caroline is new in town therefore she barely knows about the people who live there. When scout plainly says “he’s a Cunningham” it’s expected that she knows what that means. Since scout says it in such a nonchalant way Mrs Caroline is very confused and doesn’t know what to make of the situation leaving her feeling confused and upset.

  11. From Mark:
    Scout does not realize that Miss Caroline does not know that all Cunningham’s are poor. Miss Caroline is new to the town and she has yet to find out many things about Maycomb. When Scout says “Miss Caroline, he’s a Cunningham”(Lee 26) he doesn’t know that Miss Caroline doesn’t know what being a Cunningham means in Maycomb. Scout did not say it clear enough for a outsider to know what that would mean.

  12. I see everyone’s point here I Do believe that she just wants her money back. She sees that he probably will not pay her back. Scout decides to join the conversation because she sees that Walter is not going to pay her back. I have learned from Scout that she can catch on really quickly and figure out what is going on. Scout is clever and curious.

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