03. Ch 4

Respond to two of the questions below in 4+ sentences each. You can start a new thread to respond OR respond to a classmate’s post on the same topic.

  • Who do you think leaves the gum and pennies in the tree? Why do you think that person leaves them there? Explain your reasoning.
  • Examine Dill’s explanation of how he got to Maycomb (47-48). How much of his story do you believe? If he is lying, why do you think he is lying? Make a prediction.
  • What does Scout hear from inside the Radley house? Who do you think it is? What do you think this moment foreshadows?

16 thoughts on “03. Ch 4”

  1. Mariano Rodriguez said:

    What Scout hears from inside the Radley house is laughter. The laughter was so low that if was farther away, like the sidewalk, he would not have heard it. I think it is Boo that is laughing and I think that because he could have found the fact that Scout had fallen and rolled into his yard funny, and the whole situation going on at the time. I think this moment foreshadows when Jem had touched the Radley house in chapter one, and after Scout claims seeing someone peeking from the window.

  2. I think Boo Radley leaves the pennies and the gum in the trees. I think he leaves them there to see if snyone is trying to mess with him. He also might leave them there as an excuse to come outside. Boo is stuck in the house all day and he needs something to keep his interest. When Scout rolls into the Radleys yard I think she hears Boos laugh. Who else would’ve laughed since Mr. Nathan Radley wasn’t home? Boo Radley is a very scary person who probably belongs in a mental hospital. Since he is most likely mentally ill he probably did that to scare Scout. He probably lives to scare people since he has nothing else to do.

  3. Dills’s explanation on how he got to Maycomb seems to be a little exaggerated. The part of his story that was believable was the beginning when he said that he rode the train by himself because it does not mention anything about him coming with a relative so that might have been true and also when he said that he ate at the diner, because he did have to eat so it makes sense that he ate at the diner. The part of the story that might have been a lie was when he said he helped the engineer for a while, he is just a little kid so it was probably not allowed. I think he was lying because he wanted to show off, and since he was a little kid he probably wanted to make Jem and scout jealous. When scout was bumped into the steps of the Radley place she thought that she heard a low sound coming from inside the house and she thinks someone was laughing. I think that the person who laughed at her is Boo Radley, because he does not have anything to do,and judging from his past maybe seeing people get hurt brings him joy. I think this moment might lead to Scout telling Jem and Dill about what happened. And since Dill is so fascinated with the Radleys he would want to see what it was.

  4. I think Boo leaves the pennies and gum in the tree. I think he wants to see if anyone is trying to follow him to see if he is being mysterious in any way. Boo does this to make anyone following him see creeped out and make them feel that he is mystery. boo is a weird but kinda out there person. Dill story is out there and extended. His story is not believed by me because he just makes stamens that do not seem true. All of his statements do not make since at all. I think he not telling the truth becuase of hero he puts his story’s that are not making sense. Scout hears a chuckles in boos house. Boo is doing thing to making him more of a mysterious person. He does this to scare scout and yes he was looking out the window that night to make him a unexpected person.

  5. Question 1: I think that Boo Radley is leaving the gum and pennies in the tree. I think that he is watching Scout and Jem when they run by his house everyday, and now that school is over, puts stuff in the tree so he can still watch them or stalk them. I think Boo would do this because, based on the rumors, he seems to be an insane person who would enjoy doing something so strange.

    Question 3: Scout says she hears a deep laughter from inside the Radley house. I think that this is Boo Radley. I think this based on my response to the first question, that he is watching Scout and Jem. This could foreshadow an account with Boo Radley, either the way that Scout and Jem think he apperas, or in a completly different way.

  6. For the first question I believe Walter Cunningham left the gum on the tree. Here are my reasons for one Jem saw a case with two pennies in them near the trees, this is a small amount of money that maybe a poor person can only gather with who knows the amount of time. Also I believe that Walter is leaving gum there for some other saving reasons regarding food since he is so poor.

    For the third question about scout hearing someone laughing in Boo’s house I believe that Boo Radley finds it humorous of how scared these kids are becoming of him. He has probably been watching them in the past and has known they were scared of him .

  7. pennies and gum are usually what you would find in someone’s pocket. I think Boo Radly did put the pennies and gum in the tree too entertain himself. Miss Stephanie Crawford explains how she has seen Boo Radly in her window before, I think that this tree is where Boo Radly goes for breaks during the night when he is outside of his house, he could’ve sat down by the tree and easily reach into his pocket, take the gum out of his pocket and decided to hid it in the tree.

  8. Question 1: I think that it is very obvious that Boo Radley leaves the pennies and the gum in the tree. I think he may have had some past experiences with Atticus or Scout’s uncle that may have made him want to be nice to Scout. They might not know that their uncle or Atticus knows him because the uncle or Atticus does not want to scare them by telling them that they know Boo Radley. If Scout was told that Atticus or her uncle knew Boo Radley then people might avoid them out of fear because of the harsh rumors about him which would leave Scout and Jem to be alone.

    Question 3: Scout says she heard laughter inside the Radley house. I believe that the laughter is coming from Mr.Ewell. The Ewells have a bad reputation in the town which may lead to them doing bad things like breaking into houses. Since Mr.Ewell is a huge alcoholic and would rather buy beer with his money, he may break into houses and steel items so he can sell them to make money to purchase more alcohol. The laughter is probably Mr.Ewells being drunk as he is steeling the items. This could foreshadow that he may do more bad things and maybe steel from Scout.

  9. Dill got to Maycomb by riding a train by himself and met Miss Rachel. He said he seen his father at a diner that he went to once he got to Maycomb. I think Dill going on the train by himself is a lie because why would a person let a young kid go on a train by himself without a parent or guardian. Therefore I think he is lying about this to make him seem color to people and make people maybe believe that he is richer than he actually is.

    I think Boo Radley left the gum and pennines in the tree. I think he left them there so that Jem and Scout could maybe find them and let them know that he was still living in that house because they walk by that house everyday . Also, it is so maybe that if Jem and Scout find them they can tell people that Boo is back and that they need to watch out because he is a crazy person and does weird things. Last maybe he is trying to spy on them or see if the kids takes his things so he can maybe get a hint of what they are like.

  10. Scout hears a low, quiet laugh that nobody else would hear unless they were in Scout’s position. The laugh might be any one of the Radleys, like the father or even Boo Radley himself. This could also mean that when Jem went and touched the house, he also might have heard something coming from the house, and is hiding just like Scout is to keep her and Dill playing the game. The quietness of the fact that someone is in the house may lead to them being more and more afraid of Boo Radley.

  11. Brendan Gallivan said:

    I think the Radleys leave the gum and pennies in the tree. I think they leave them their because they are lonley and want some people to talk to. Their kid is supposley dead and they are all alone. Therefore they would want kids near them

  12. Brendan Gallivan said:

    Scout hears a laugh from inside the Radley house. This is most likely Boo Radley. This is a preview of the fact that he is alive. Maybe they will meet him and befriend him

    • Frankie Bonanno said:

      Question 1:
      When Scout is walking by Boo Radleys house he hears laughter coming from inside. I think that it is either Boo or his father. I do no not think it could be his mother because she is very sick. I think this because it is the easiest conclusion because it would make the most things.

      Question 3: I think that it is Boo leaving the gum and pennies in the tree. He probably sees the boys sprint by his house everyday. He maybe wants them to know to feel more safe and he isn’t going to hurt them. Also that would make Boo more comfortable with people not sprinting by only his home

  13. For those of you who haven’t posted yet, please respond to each other! This should be a conversation. You can also answer the questions in two separate posts.

  14. Emma Rittweger said:

    Scout describes hearing a very low laugh coming from inside the Bradley house when she crashes the tire on their lawn. I think it is boo Radley. I think this is foreshadowing the fact that they are going to find out that boo is alive. I also think that they are in danger and should be cautious.

  15. Tyler Gnerre said:

    I think Boo Radley left the gum and the pennies in the tree, to attract any young. Since he shot at someone, he is trying to find out the person who invaded his property. He obviously has some “screws loose” because he stays in his house all day. Being on the lookout for intruders gives him something to do to pass time.
    Scout hears a laughter from inside the Radley household. I believe it could be Boo’s laugh. He probably finds Scout falling out of the tree humorous. I assume it is also an “evil laugh”, considering he thinks he knows who he shot at when Dill dared Jem to knock on the Radley’s door. This incident may be foreshadowing him harming Scout in the future.

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