04. Ch 5-6

1. Choose a significant quote from Chapter 5 or 6. Type the quote and explain its significance in at least 4 sentences. You might:
– Explain what the quote shows about a character.
– Make a prediction about what the quote might foreshadow.
– Explain how the quote shows a change in a character from earlier in the novel.
– Make an inference based on the quote.
– Identify a literary device and explain its significance.
– Explain the quote in a totally different way.

2. Respond to classmate’s post on a different quote in at least 3 sentences. You might agree with his or her analysis, you might disagree with it, or you might build on it (agree and add your own idea).

17 thoughts on “04. Ch 5-6”

  1. Scout says, “Look, it ain’t worth it Jem. A lickin’ hurts but it doesn’t last. You’ll get your head shot off Jem. Please…” (75). I think that this shows a lot about Scout. It shows that she isn’t as tough as everyone thinks she is. She actually cares about her brother and does not want him to get hurt. Scout has sorry of changed in this moment from the beginning of the book. In the beginning she was this tough tomboy who played with the boys and beat up everyone she saw. But now she feels a lot of concern for her brother and she wants him to be okay.

    • I agree with you Marissa. I think that everyone sees Scout as someone who doesnt care for other people, but your quote shows that she does. Scout doesnt want her brother to get hurt, even though he has hurt her(for example the tire rolling incident).

    • Emma Rittweger said:

      I agree with Marissa. This is a very important quot because it shows a different side to scout. This shows that maybe she’s not as tough as she wants people to believe and that she does really care for her family.

  2. Adam Mendes said:

    Atticus says, ” you want to be a lawyer, don’t you” (Lee 66). This reveals a few things about Jem. First off he wants to be a lawyer like his father. This is sort of strange because he always seems to do the opposite of what his father says. I think since that is what Jem wants to do for a job he will offer keen insights later in the book. He also seems to know how to find loopholes which combined with his interest in law could help him scout and dill in later endeavors.

    • Mariano Rodriguez said:

      I agree with Adam when he said that he wants to be a lawyer like his father, when though he does the opposite of what his father says. Jen decides to mess with the Radley house, and play games involving the Radleys, which his father does not approve of, which why I agree with that part. I agree with the lawyer part because it shows that Jen does take what his father does in condsideration of what he wants to do.

  3. I have the same quote as Adam ” you want to be a lawyer “. And I total ab re he always say things that don’t go along with his father. The kind of ironic thing that he wants to be is a lawyer and that is just like his father. Atticus is just a. Person that has only one thing really in common with his father. I find this a little funny most kids have some or more things in common with their family’s

  4. Jem says, “I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I ain’t so sure now!”(Lee 66). This quote shows a lot about Jem Finch. It shows that he wants to, or wanted to, follow in his fathers footsteps in being a lawyer. The sentence before this quote, “When Atticus was out of earshot Jem yelled after him,” shows that Jem respects his Father enough that he will not back-talk him to his face.

    • I do not agree with Owen when he said that Jem respects his father enough not to back talk to his face. Although it is wrong to talk back to a parent to their face I think it’s worse to do it behind their back. And I don’t think that he waited for his father to go away to talk back was him showing respect but I think it was out of fear. So in my opinion Owen’s second quote shows that Jem is afraid of Atticus.

    • Brendan Gallivan said:

      I agree with Owen in that this shows Jem originally wanted to follow his fathers job. I also think that now once his father has tricked him that he thinks he might not be smart enough to be a lawyer. That is why he questions if he still wants to be lawyer

    • I agree with Owen because this quote shows that Jem wanted to follow in his dad footsteps of becoming a lawyer. Also, Jem is now questioning himself because he doesn’t think he is bright enough to become the lawyer he once wanted to become.

  5. Scout says, “that ain’t right, Miss Naudie. You’re the best lady I know”(Lee 59). This shows that Scout is a positive and friendly person. Miss Maudie starts telling Scout that there are people who think that she is a bad person and she is going to hell, but Scout tries to be a good friend and sais that it’s not true. Scout is trying to make Miss Maudie positive and happy and not care about what other people think.

  6. Brendan Gallivan said:

    Miss Maudie says, There are just some kind of men who so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one and you can look down the stret and see the results” She is clearly talking about the Radleys when she says look down the street. The first part of the quote means that some people only care about doing things in this life that will send you to heaven or have a good life. These people should actually be enjoying themselves and living life the way they want to. Read the bible and understand it but you don’t have to live by it, create your own bible and live life completely and utterly by that bible.

  7. Mariano Rodriguez said:

    The quote I found significant was said by Scout. Scout says, “You want to be a lawyer, don’t you” (Lee 66)? The quote shows Jem as curious about what his father does, and cares about what his father does for his life style.This quote shows a change in Jem from earlier because he did not seem to agree with his father in certain occasions. But, at the same time, he could have changed his mind again. The reason why is because on the same page, after his father leaves the house and is far enough to not hear him, Jem yells,” I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I ain’t so sure now” (Lee 66)! This shows that Jem changes his mind easily, and is not always completely certain with things or decisions. Also, it shows that Jem is unpredictable, because you never know what he’s going to do, or what decision he is going to make.

  8. When talking about the Radleys, Miss Maudie explains that “there are just some kind of men who- who’re so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results” (Lee 60). This quote shows how Miss Maudie sees the Radleys. In this quote, she looks at them with pity instead of anger or curiosity like the rest of the town does. She thinks of how they built a life in which there is almost no social life or almost no contact with the outside world. She thinks of how they created a life centered around the bible instead of creating a life of happiness. She may not like the way the Radleys made themselves, but she cannot help but feel like they could have done a lot better than they did.

  9. Miss Maudies says “But sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of…” (Lee 60). This is probably foreshadow that Scout’s dad is an alcoholic and needs to read the Bible more than he should drink. This shows that Scout doesn’t really know what goes on in her father’s life. Also, this is saying that there is something that Atticus isn’t sharing with his kids so that is why he is drinking. This is imagery because you can picture Miss Maudie talking to Scout about Atticus and how she is talking sweetly to Scout so Scout can understand what is going on. Miss Maudice is saying that it is better to study religion and put your head into the bible so it can help you through the bad times. Instead of relying on whiskey to help you take away the pain that Atticus is feeling inside.

  10. In the novel to “kill a mocking bird” scout says, “They say spent days together in the treehouse plotting and planning, only calling me when they need a third party”(57). Scout here is showing that even with her outershell of justice jelousy hits her hard. Since Jem is here only friend, seeing him spending days together excluding here clearly makes her feel bad. Aswell as whenever they go do something she probably feels like a thirdwheel and unimportant to the plan.

  11. Emma Rittweger said:

    When Jem says “lord you’re gettin’ more like a girl every day!” It greatly offends scout. When Jem says this scout gives in and goes along with the plan they had to look in boo radleys window. This shows that she gives into peer pressure. This also shows that scout considers being called a girl and insult and that she really wants to fit in.

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